Book Renewals

The Circulation Department is pleased to announce a NEW  improvement in service:

  Online Book Renewals:
To request renewal of Mount Saint Vincent books, navigate to: cmsvbookrenewal

Include in the message:

Confirmation or denial and new dates will be sent to your e-mail address within three business days.

All other renewal policies remain in effect:

2.  Renewal Without Bringing the Book(s) to the Library:
It is no longer necessary to bring to the Library any book(s) you want to renew. To renew, bring to the Circulation Desk your ID and the barcode numbers(s) of the books(s). These numbers have 14 digits beginning with 36987, and are located on the front cover of the book. The Circulation staff will renew the books, within the following limits:

If you have any questions, please call the Library Circulation Desk at (718) 405.3394.

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